Resources - sharing my knowledge and experience with you.



Congratulations! It’s such an emotional time (quite often referred to as a rollercoaster ride) that can often be filled with worry, trepidation, concerns, excitement, exhaustion and pretty much everything in between! Here is a list of resources and reading material that will help you and your partner along this incredible journey.


Questions people think it’s ok to ask while your pregnant!

Why do people think they can ask all sorts of questions about ‘your pregnancy’? Have you been asked anything like these?

Cravings, Pica and Food Aversions.

Why do some people crave foods and non food items during pregnancy?

Morning Sickness.

Uggghh…… morning sickness, when does it start and can you do anything to help?

Baby Showers - binding people together.

Let’s look at the history, the planning, ideas and such like.

Hello antenatal anxiety.

While a certain amount of worry, stress is normal, it's not normal if anxiety is causing you to worry excessively and is having a significant impact on your life.

Birth Plans - do you need one?

While much of what happens during delivery is way beyond your (or anyone’s!) control, creating a birth plan will at least make your wishes clear

Your body’s transformation during pregnancy.

Your body undergoes many transformations during the nine months of pregnancy - have a look at how much your body changes.

Your Baby’s senses.

Your baby begins to develop on a sensory level from the moment of conception.

Vivid Pregnancy Dreams & Nightmares.

Feeling like you've been streaming some pretty strange Netflix shows while you're sleeping these days?

Overdue? Myths & Fallacies.

If your due date has come and gone, chances are you’re pretty eager to meet your baby.

Yes or No? Informed Consent.

Every person should be given the opportunity to make informed choices about the maternity care they receive.

Let’s talk about sex baby!

Is it ok to have sex during pregnancy? Read about everything you need to know here.

Do I need antenatal classes?

Why you will want to book an antenatal class sooner rather than later.

Get your partner involved!

Pregnancy is often left to the pregnant person, it doesn’t have to be, get your partner involved from the start.

Listeria Infections.

Listeria may be dangerous during pregnancy, find out how to keep yourself safe.

Screening and Tests.

Find out what screening tests are available during your pregnancy.

Keeping healthy during pregnancy.

What do you need to do to stay healthy during pregnancy?

Hic-ups? flip flops?

Wondering what your baby does all day while in utero, apart from growing?

Optimal Fetal Position.

One of the things you can do to help your labour go well is to line your baby up so that it can take the easiest (optimal) pathway through your pelvis. Ideally,

Hyperemesis Gravidrum.

Think it's just "bad morning sickness?" Think again. From symptoms to medication options, here are some commonly misunderstood facts about this rare pregnancy disorder.

Gestational Diabetes.

Gestational diabetes effects 3 -10% of pregnant people and those that develop this during pregnancy.

Pre-eclampsia & HELLP Syndrome.

Pre-eclampsia affects between 5-8% of pregnancies and usually develops between 20 weeks gestation.

Home birth.

Wondering if a planned home birth is right for you? is it safe? will you need a midwife? how do you create a backup plan? is it messy (not as much as you think), is it even possible?

Perineal Massage. Should you do it?

You may be wondering if there’s any way you can prepare yourself or make it stretch a bit easier?

Your placenta is amazing!

You’ve likely already heard of the placenta, but what does it do? And what do you need to know about it to have a healthy pregnancy?

Exercise during pregnancy.

Pregnancy might seem like the perfect time to sit back and relax. Exercising during your pregnancy can help build the stamina that is required for labour and delivery.

Side sleeping is recommended.

Sleeping on your side is the best position for you and your baby, especially once you're more than 28 weeks through.

Plus Size Pregnancy.

Most plus-size women can expect to have a healthy pregnancy. Understanding your risk factors will help you do everything you can to enjoy a safe and healthy plus-size pregnancy.

HELLP Syndrome.

It’s very likely you’ve heard about pre-eclampsia and what to watch out for during pregnancy. However, you might not know much about HELLP syndrome during pregnancy.

What is a phantom pregnancy?

A phantom or false pregnancy is when a woman believes she's pregnant even though she isn’t.

Leg Cramps - Ouch!

Leg cramps are a common pregnancy symptom. (That doesn’t make having them any easier, but understanding them better, it hopefully it turns down the stress dial a bit.)

What is Fetal Growth Restriction?

Everything you need to know, what possibly causes it, how it may impact your labour and birth.

Conversations to have before your baby arrives.

If you are looking to fight less, have more intimacy, and maintain your household a little better postpartum, make sure to discuss these topics with your partner before you give birth.

He said what? What not to say in the labour room!

Sometimes it’s hard to know what to say and do when your partner is in labour. Here a a great list of what NOT to do.

Your baby’s movements while in utero.

Monitoring movements means you can also notice if there's a change.


Labour & Birth.

Labour and birth tend to occupy the minds of everyone during pregnancy. Here you can find a list of topics to help you feel more confident when you go into labour and options that may help you and your partner with your journey.


What is the Bloody Show?

The bloody show is a sign that your body is getting ready to birth your baby. But, it’s not necessarily going to be as fast as you might hope.

How is the position of you baby likely to impact your labour?

Find out more about the potential impact and how you can get your baby in a ideal position before labour.

Natural Pain Relief.

The topic of pain in labour and birth is a hotly debated subject, let’s look at how you can use natural methods.

Water Births - a link with our aquatic past.

Who can have one (and who can’t) and why you might want to consider one.

Nitrous Oxide - not just for laughs!

Find out is it’s something that may work for you during labour and birth.

Get upright!

Find out the bizarre reason why we laboured lying down and why NOT to do this.

Labour Stages.

Find out how the three stages of labour work.

Creating a space.

Space, environment….making your birthing room comfortable, safe and relaxing is super important,

Support is important.

So, how can you prepare for what’s bound to be a physically exhausting and an emotional one for both of you? Share these tips with your partner.

Epidurals - not just a little prick!

An epidural is a procedure that injects a local anaesthetic into the space around the spinal nerves in your lower back.

Interventions - and using your BRAIN.

Childbirth is a natural process but not everyone can have a natural birth and may require an intervention.

Will you poop during labour?

So stop worrying mumma! Here's what you need to know about the pushing-and-pooping connection.

Signs that labour may start soon.

Labour is a natural, beautiful thing – and perhaps a little terrifying too. Understandably, because it’s the great unknown.

Pre term labour and birth.

A baby born before the 37th week gestation, is known as a premature or pre-term baby. In New Zealand, about 7-10% of babies are born prematurely.

What is fetal Monitoring?

Fetal heart monitoring is a way to check the heart rate of your baby during labour.

C- Section - everything you need to know.

Find out why a caesarean section may be suggested and the difference between an elective and emergency.

How does labour start?

After approximately nine months of pregnancy, the wait is finally over and your body readies itself for the delivery of your little one. How does this start?

How painful is Birth?

Pain is a very personal thing, no one will be able to understand the type of pain you have and how it makes you feel.

Find out how your hormones help during labour!

The role hormones play during labour is vital for you and your baby. Find out here to use them to your advantage.

Lotus Births.

Lotus birth - not just a pretty flower! Find out what draws some families to choose this.

Breathing for the first time.

So how does a tiny human manage to take what could be the most challenging breath of its life just seconds after birth?


4th Trimester.

The fourth trimester is the 12-week period immediately after you have your baby. Not everyone has heard of it, but every parent and newborn baby will go through it. It is a time of great physical and emotional change as your baby adjusts to being outside the uterus, and you adjust to your new life as a parent.


Rituals and Traditions for Dad’s

Wetting your baby’s head - good enough for a Prince!

Your newborns sleep cycle.

All babies are different, and their sleep patterns can vary a lot. For these first few weeks, it’s a good idea just to let them nap when they’re tired.

Caesarean Aftercare.

Take time to understand your limitations and the kind of care that might be necessary will aid in your expectations and recovery.


The Golden Hour or Three!

At this time, both your needs are simple: warmth and a quiet, calm environment.

The Realities of becoming a Dad.

Becoming a dad has it’s own set of worries, challenges and excitement. Dad’s can have PND and anxiety too.

The Baby Blues.

Congratulations, your baby is here! The transition from pregnancy to parenthood is a major life adjustment — both physically and emotionally.

Feeding your Newborn.

How you are going to feed your baby may be something you've already decided on or maybe you're going to see how things go.

Baby Massage - the underlying language of comfort.

The minute you put your baby down, they cry. Pick them up and, presto—they're serene and smiley again. so, if just holding your baby can be so soothing, imagine how they'll benefit from a full-body massage?

Your Postnatal Body.

While the physical changes are somewhat expected, what isn’t normalized is the permanence of our postnatal body changes and I think this is where the fight in our heads starts.

Midwives are amazing!

Midwives have supported people during labour and birth since ancient Egyptian times, and today, in many parts of the world, they are providing a unique set of lifesaving services for mothers and babies.

Team work makes it easier.

Raising children as a team is about working together, agreeing on a shared approach to parenting, making decisions together and supporting each other.

Being a single parent.

I understand that right now you feel like you have no idea what's happening or how you are going to manage everything. Hints and tips here!

What is Vernix Caseosa?

Find out how amazing this Germ Fighting SUPERHERO really is.

Post traumatic stress disorder.

Welcoming a baby into your life is usually thought of as a happy and exciting event. But for some of us, the experience of giving birth and becoming a parent can be frightening, disorienting, and even traumatising.

Is it normal for my c-section scar to itch?

Some women report their scar is itchy years after they have a c-section. This can happen for a number of reasons.

Feeding your baby?

Breastfeeding, expressing, formula…is one better than then other? Does it matter?

Postnatal Depression - A Partners Perspective.

How you can support, help and cope if you’re partner has PND.

Dad - jump in the bath with your baby!

Bathing your newborn is one of those parenting hacks that just works, in all sorts of ways.

Dads and Baby Massage

There are lots of ways that dads can enhance bonding with their babies - from nappy changing, feeding, baby wearing and bathing them but, baby massage is something that bit extra special.


Medical disclaimer: This page is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians, osteopath, midwife, obstetrician, chiropractor or other qualified health care provider.

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